You can register with MyWay Diabetes through the NHS Login system. NHS login is a service that has been created by the NHS for patients and the public. It provides a re-usable way for patients to access multiple digital health and social care services with a single login, which includes authentication for returning users.
What you need to set up an NHS login
An email address (with more than 6 characters)
A mobile phone number
What you need to do
A 6-digit security code will be sent to your email. You will be asked to enter this code to verify your email address and continue.
Next, you will be asked to give your mobile phone number. Another 6-digit security code will be sent by text message to your mobile phone. A security code will be sent to your mobile phone every time you log in, unless you select ‘remember this device and stop sending security codes’.
Right now, you cannot set up NHS login without a mobile phone. The NHS Login team are working on this and hope to offer a solution to users who do not own a mobile phone in the future.
For My Way Diabetes to be able to connect your account with your GP record, you will be required to go through a verification process via two ways – photo verification or through GP codes.
By submitting photo identification and completing a face scan
When you register, you'll be asked to submit photo identification and then do a face scan to match your face.
You can use your:
• passport
• UK driving license (full or provisional)
• biometric Residence Permit (BRP)
• UK Residence Card, or EEA Biometric Residence Card (BRC)
• European driving license (full)
• European national identity card
By submitting photo identification and a video
When you register, you'll be asked to submit photo identification, but instead of completing a face scan you can record a video.
You will be shown 4 numbers and asked to tell us what they are.
You can do this by:
• saying the numbers
• signing the numbers using British Sign Language
• writing the numbers down and showing them
GP Practice Codes
Alternatively, if you cannot take a picture, you are required to obtain the following information from your GP practice:
• account ID
• ODS code (sometimes called organisation code or practice ID)
• linkage key (sometimes called passphrase)
Once you have these details from your GP practice, you can enter these details into the platform and you will be able to access your diabetes related medical data.
You can find more information regarding these codes on the link below.
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